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The Prime Minister's Daughter Will Work at MacDonald's

Prime Minister's Daughter to Work at McDonald's
Wed October 1, 2003 09:08 AM ET from Bangkok Post

The Prime Minister of Thailand is upset about prostitution. He learned that young girls sell their bodies so that they can have luxuries like cell phones or have spending money to go to nightclubs. He decided that his daughter should set a good example. She is a high school student. She will start working part-time at MacDonald's.

Animals Get Married to Help World Peace

from Oddly Enough - UK Reuters Indian priests marry off animals for peace
Sun Sep 28, 9:35 AM ET NEW DELHI (Reuters)

In India, Hindu priests are trying to make the world more peaceful. They are following an ancient tradition to marry animals. They have been holding wedding ceremonies for crabs, birds, elephants and other animals. The priests believe that animals are pure and closer to God than humans. The wedding ceremonies are to show respect to the animals to help protect them.

Does smoking marijuana make you stupid?

Dope-Seeking Teens Call Cops by Mistake
Mon Sep 8, 8:01 AM ET Strange News

Two teenagers made a big mistake when they tried to buy marijuana. They dialed the wrong number and called the police sheriff, instead. The sheriff told the teenager that she was the police sheriff and the teenager ended the phone call. But then the teenager called again! The sheriff arrested the two teenagers, of course. She was surprised that the teenagers called her once, but even more surprised when they called her twice!

Samurai Sword Killer

Fri September 5, 2003 10:32 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters)

A man in London tried to kill a government MP with a 'samurai sword'. The MP escaped, but his assistant was killed. The man with the samurai sword was not sent to prison, but he was sent to a psychiatric hospital.


A Horror Movie that really Kills

from The Nation, June 26, 2003

Watching scary movies can be more dangerous than we believed. In India, a man was watching a very scary movie at the movie theatre late at night. He died while watching the movie. Did the movie kill him?

Internet Addiction?

from Bangkok Post, June 25, 2003 Hong Kong

Recently internet cafes have become very popular in China. Sometimes they are too popular. A 16 year-old boy became `addicted` to the internet. He stole money from his parents so that he could go to the internet cafe. When his parents ordered him to come home, he refused and stayed there for three days. Finally, his father came to get him. He tied up his son and carried him out of the internet cafe.

Woman Marries Herself

This is TrueR from Reuters
by Randy Cassingham
With This Ring I Me Wed

These days, more and more people are staying single. People choose their husbands/wives carefully and don`t want to make a mistake and marry the wrong person. Janet Downes from Nebraska, USA, is a woman who wants to be certain that she doesn`t make a mistake. So she has decided to marry herself! She will have a wedding ceremony with music, a wedding cake and a wedding dress. She will have the ceremony in front of a mirror. Congratulations Janet!

Boy Flies to Hawaii

from 13-year-old tries to escape to paradise
June 19, 2003 (NORMANDY PARK, Wash.)

A 13 year-old boy used the internet to buy a flight to Hawaii. The boy lives in Seattle and decided he would like to take a holiday. He used his mother's credit card and flew to Maui! The mother realized that her son was missing. She checked the computer history and saw that her son had bought a plane ticket. She called the police. The police met the boy at the airport in Hawaii when he arrived there. He didn't get to go to the beach. Instead, the police put him back on an airplane and sent him back to Seattle.

Fear, Panic and Paranoia

from The Nation, June 26th, 2003

These days, there is a lot of paranoia and racism in the world. Some people feel suspicious of anyone who looks Arab. Some people have racist feelings about Muslim people. I think that it's sad that we judge people because of their religion or their appearance. Here in Thailand, many people panicked and called the police recently. Why? They saw an 'Arab-looking couple' taking photographs of hotels. They called the police because they thought the couple were terrorists! The only reason that they thought the couple were terrorists was because they looked Arab. I hope people will use common sense instead of panicking. I hope this racism will stop.

Smile to Help your Country

From Bangkok Post July 3, 2003

Tourists call Thailand 'The Land of Smiles' because Thai people are friendly and smile a lot. But recently, there have been few tourists in Thailand. Tourists stopped coming to Asian countries because they were afraid of SARS. The government of Thailand is trying to get the tourists to return. The Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Tourism will work together to make a smiling campaign. They will ask Thai people to smile more. They hope that more smiles will help Thai culture and encourage tourists to come to Thailand.

Playboy Magazine and the Economy

from Playboy Models' Curves May Be Sign of the Times Tue June 24, 2003 06:20 PM ET
By E. J. Mundell NEW YORK (Reuters Health)

A psychology researcher and a psychology student have discovered that Playboy models change with the economy. They studied about 40 years of Playboy magazines and researched the types of models. When the economy is poor, the models are usually strong-looking. They are older, taller and heavier. The psychologists say that this is not surprising. When the economy is down, people look for strong partners that can support them. When the economy is good and people feel wealthy, they focus more on having fun. When the economy was good over the past 40 years, the Playboy models were different. The models looked younger and thinner. They had bigger eyes and smaller waists.

Can money buy happiness?

from Economic researchers quantify a ‘happiness calculus’ NBC NEWS June 15 2003

Do you remember the song "Can't buy me love" by the Beatles? Money may not buy love, but some researchers believe that it can buy happiness! Researchers have been studying what things make humans happy. They discovered that money can buy happiness in some situations. They even made a mathematical formula to calculate how much money is needed. They say that a very unhappy person will be able to change into a happy person with $1.5 million (1,500,000 yen). But it also depends on how you get the money. People who get their money from hard work are less happy. The harder they work, the more money they expect they will get. People who get money as a surprise are more happy, because they didn't expect it. So maybe we should buy tickets for the lottery instead of working overtime! Money is not the only factor in making people happy, of course. People with less money can be more happy if they have many loved friends and family. Researchers don't yet have a formula to calculate the ratio of friends:money needed for happiness.

A Tax on Fatty Foods?

Mon June 9, 2003 09:37 AM ET By Corinne Amoo LONDON (Reuters)

In many modern countries, there is a big health problem. Many people are overweight and too fat to be healthy. What can be done to stop this problem? The British Medical Assocation has an idea. They would like to put a 17.5% tax on high-fat foods. Foods such as french fries, cookies, and hamburgers would be taxed. They believe that the tax could help save lives. Some people say that the tax would be a good idea. Food manufacturers would try make foods that were not high-fat. But some people say that poor people eat the most high-fat foods because they are cheaper than healthy foods. So they believe that a new tax would just hurt poor people and wouldn't change the situation. What do you think?

The Wrong Choice if You Miss the Plane

from cbsnews.com MEDFORD, Ore., June 3, 2003 MMIII The Associated Press

A man was late and missed his flight from Phoenix, USA. What did he do? He called the airport and said that there was a bomb on the plane. Because he knew the exact number of the flight, the people at the airport thought that he was telling the truth. The airplane had already departed but it returned to the airport to be checked for bombs. The man thought that now he would be able to catch his flight! Now the FBI are questioning him. He will probably face criminal charges.

Bad news for Japanese Restaurants in Bulgaria

from http://www.lutheransonline.com Friday, May 30, 2003.

There was a lot of excitement when the first Japanese restaurant opened in Bulgaria. But it wasn't the delicious Japanese food that caused the excitement. Felix Naygir had a bad experience at the Mount Fugi restaurant in Sofia. He was amazed by the skill of the Japanese chef as he used his cutting knife. Felix was so interested in the cutting skills that he got very close to watch. He got too close, actually, and the knife cut off his fingers! Luckily, he was rushed to a hospital where the doctors were able to sew his fingers back on.

Good Luck at a Second-Hand Shop

May 9, 2003 The Associated Press

Sometimes there are big surprises at second-hand shops (recycle shopes). A woman from Newport, USA, bought a brooch at a second-hand shop for $14 (about 1640 yen)

Later, she learned that the brooch was made of real gold. But the biggest surprise was the two pearls on the brooch. The little purple pearls didn't look real, but they are real! The two purple pearls are very rare. In fact, they might be the only two in the world. The woman and her husband plan to sell the brooch at an auction. No one can guess the value of the brooch, since the pearls are unique. But the value is definitly more than $14. There are no other pearls like this in the world. They might be worth millions of dollars. They might even be worth billions of dollars!

Superhero in England

from Oddly Enough - Reuters
Tue May 6,10:07 AM ET

There is a superhero in England! A man wearing a mask and cape has been helping people in a town called Tunbridge Wells which is southeast of London.

A group of young men tried to steal a woman's purse. The superhero came and scared them away and returned her purse. The superhero has also saved a man being chased by a gang and helped another woman who lost her purse.

Who is this superhero?! Is he a regular man who wants to help people? Is he a crazy man who loves costumes? Or is he really a superhero?

World News?!

Sometimes I read about Japan in English newspapers Usually, the news is about the Japanese economy or about some new technology. This week, I found some funny news from Japan. I read it in the newspaper, The Nation (May 7, 2003). There was a photo of Masanori Murakawa, the politician in Morioka. He was wearing a funny mask! The news article said that Murakawa was a pro wrestler nicknamed 'The Great Sasuke" before he was a politician. Now he will wear the pro wrestling mask at work at the council chamber in Iwate. So "The Great Sasuke" is now famous all over the world!

Sleep is Better than Medicine or Juku!

A study done in England shows that more than 60% of children don't get enough sleep every night (from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/2815683.stm). People who don't sleep enough feel frustrated and tired. They have poor memories and poor concentration. It also affects intelligence. If you miss one hour of sleep, your IQ is lowered by one point. If you miss two hours, your IQ lowers by 3 points.

There are other problems for people who don't sleep enough. People who don't sleep well are more agressive and get sick easily.

Also, children who don't sleep enough can't grow properly, because the growth horomone is released when chidren sleep.

When I worked at junior high schools in Japan, I noticed that many students got less sleep than me! I wonder if students in Japan get enough sleep every night?

Here are the recommended levels of sleep:

elementary school students: 9-11 hours, but younger children might need as much as 13 hours.
junior high school students: 9-10 hours
high school students: 9.25 hours
adults: 8 hours

Now help your body and your mind: get some sleep!

Catch a Cold from Paul McCartney

This news is from ABC Online, Thursday, April 17th, 07:16:00

These days, many people are nervous about the new virus, SARS. But there are some people who are trying to catch a disease!

On the Ebay.uk website, you can buy germs from the ex-Beatle, Paul McCartney. A fan named Ian Mears met Paul McCartney last month. At that time, Paul had a cold. The next week, Ian also had a cold. Ian believes that the cold came from Paul. Now, he is selling Paul McCartney's cold!

The person who wins the auction will get a bag that Ian coughed into.

Making Clones of Special Animals

from BBC Online News, http://www.bbc.co.uk/ Wednesday, 9 April, 2003, 11:49 GMT 12:49 UK

Scientists have made a clone of a banteng. A banteng is an endangered animal that lives on Java Island in southeast Asia. There are only about 4-8000 bantengs still living. The baby clone was born last week.

Since the 1970s, scientists have been keeping DNA and blood samples of endangered species. Now, scientists hope that they can clone endangered animals. Although they created a banteng clone, they don't know if the clone was successful. When the banteng becomes an adult, they will see if it can sexually reproduce and make baby bantengs. Scientists hope that the banteng clone will be able to make babies and increase the banteng population.

Some people say that it is not natural to make clones. Many people believe that making clones is dangerous technology.

Other people say that it is foolish to make clones of endangered species. These people say that we must first learn why a species becomes endangered and then fix the problem. For example, many animals become endangered because the forests disapear. People say that it is better to fix these problems and protect the animals.

Do you think it's a good idea to clone endangered species? How about extinct species (fox example, the saber-tooth tiger)? Do you think that cloning endangered species will affect humans?

What is `Googling`?

From “Americans go `Googling`” New York, AFP Bangkok Post March 19, 2003

Do you know what `Googling` is? It`s the newest trend for people using the internet. The search engine, Google, has over three million sites listed in its English database. Almost any information is available. Information from companies, biography research, and even e-mail is listed on Google. These days, Google is being used to search for information about other people. We call this `googling`. You may be able to find information about a person`s job, hobbies, criminal records, etc. If anyone has ever written something about you on the internet, it can be found using Google. Someone might be googling you right now!

Why do people google other people? There are many reasons. Imagine that you talk with someone in a chat room. Then you decide to really meet that person. First, you could google them to find out some information about them. You might find that they had lied about their job. Or you might find that they are married! Googling strangers is a useful way to get information.

Googling also has bad points. Some people want privacy. They are not happy that other people can google them and find out information. Also, we must be more careful about what we submit to the internet. If you make a joke about a friend or post an embarassing picture, it will be available many years later. Because we can be googled by anyone, we have less freedom to post things on the internet. If you are looking for a job, the boss might google to see what kind of person you are. We lose our freedom to separate private life and work life.

What do you think about googling? Do you think its good that we can google other people? Or do you think googling is harmful? Send us an email with your opinion!

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Unbelievable news story from March, 2003:

This story is from the Reuters news service Thu Mar 6, 8:34 AM ET

A German man was robbed two times in five minutes! When the man was at a gas station, some young people stole his mobile phone from his car. The man ran after the robbers. As he was running, a car stopped near him. Three men got out of the car and said that they were police officers. But it was a lie! Actually, they were also robbers! They searched the man and stole his wallet.


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